When I got home I jumped onto the internet and ordered my own copy.
I honestly say it has made a great difference in my lifestyle; I work long hours and many days in my own business and don’t always eat and sleep properly.
After reading your book I have changed my way of thinking and approach things with a much more positive attitude, I can’t always do the right thing in relation to eating and sleeping but overall i have no doubt in my mind the subject matter covered in your book has given me a head start in a healthier life style and I now have plenty of energy and feel great.
I have recommended your book and lent my copy to many of my friends and work colleagues.
Much appreciated.”
Garry Fitzgerald
“I am 45 years old and for much of my adult life the biggest motivator for me to eat well and exercise, if I am to be honest, has been vanity. But I’ve reached that stage where I’m starting to feel and see myself age, and I’m also noticing the people closest to me ageing too; my father, partner, siblings and friends… I’ve even noticed my cat is starting to slow down!
I’ve really enjoyed reading “Fast Living, Slow Ageing” because of the long term perspective it takes… this isn’t about losing a few kgs to get into your bathers for summer, this is about improving the odds that you will live a long, and much more importantly, healthy life. “Fast Living, Slow Ageing” really doesn’t contain information I haven’t read before, but I’ve never come across one book that covers it all in such an engaging, comprehensive, compelling and motivating way.
You could say that it has become a bit of a road map for the way I want to live my life and I’ve never felt better or more optimistic about the future!”
Clare Alderson
“I found the book to be a complete package that covers all aspects of ageing – mind, body and soul, for both sexes. The advise and suggestions from the various panel members, other professionals and testimonials support what I believe and practice. I also found the information on tests for screening disease etc., very helpful. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole book. I think the next edition could be improved by having the latest medical discoveries, tests available including the changes in food, products for e.g. genetically modified food, chemicals used & banned, environmental changes and how these things are affecting our health and ageing.”
“I wrote up a plan to put in place benchmarks as I am ageing and returned to a vegetarian diet and began supplements for example fish oil.”
“I have appreciated the unravelling of the fundamentals that encompass our wellbeing. The principles of self care and where we may have a duty to others is laid out very simply offering direct easy to understand information without a slant toward a particular regime. I love learning about cellular health with one of my first read being Zimmermann Handbook of Nutrition bought at the ANU after a close brush with cancer in my early adulthood. Thanks very much for offering this book to my Physio which is where I got the info to buy my own copy. Like anything worthwhile, it’s a life-long journey!”
“Down to earth approach. Excellent”
“I enjoyed the explanations of how body functions and how health can be improved with this knowledge that motivates one to exercise, eat healthily and have medical check ups.”
“I enjoyed the easy to read layout,the book was another reminder to stay ‘health’ focused. I passed some of the tips on to my yoga students. I originally read the book in my doctor’s waiting room, a change from weekly mags.”
“I have always wanted to do Yoga for health reasons. This book helped me to stop procrastinating and ‘just do it’. I now do Pilates twice a week which is fabulous for body and mind.”
“I enjoyed thinking about food as a source of materials for the symphony of biochemistry that keeps us moving.”
“I enjoyed the more factual, researched way of providing information which is different and more informative than the so-called health columns in any number of glossy magazines.”
“The overall information was good and especially I like the slow-aging (as opposed to anti-aging) concept. I am involved with an anti-aging clinic in Melrose Johannesburg and try to change the use of anti-aging constantly because I think it creates unrealisable expectations.”
“The best thing I found was the way the book was broken into easy to read segments on different subjects,gave easy to follow procedures for a healthier outcome and appeared to be based on real life outcomes. As yet haven’t come up with suggestions for improvement on the current layout or contents.”
“I became more proud of aging There was an acceptance and excitement after seeing certain things in print.”
“I like the whole book, it is excellent, easy to read and understand and well structured. I have been quite sick and Slow Ageing provides information consistent with that provided in other like books I have read, on ways to live a healthy life, and it is a great resource. I think it is a truly valuable book and I have recommended it to members of my family and to friends”
“I am very aware of my health but when I pick it up it re-energises me to slough off bad habits. I like the way it has been set out.”
“I loved the antioxidant rich foods and the colour spectrum you used to help me buy well in the supermarket.”
Reader feedback data
Q1. How likely are you to recommend the book to a friend?

Q2. How satisfied were you with the book?

Q3. Did you make any lifestyle changes as a result of the book?

Q4. How often do you refer to the book?

Q5. How do you use the book?

Q6. How interested are you in one-hour webinars with expert guests talking about slow ageing topics, such as the latest skin research or hormone replacement therapy?

Q7. Which of the following media do you use?